
What is the Kia Ceed's MPG rating and how can I improve it?

I recently bought a Kia Ceed and I'm looking to improve its fuel efficiency. Can you provide any tips or tricks for maximizing my MPG?

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Answers (3)


The Kia Ceed has an average MPG rating of 47.1. To improve this, try keeping your tires properly inflated and avoiding excessive idling. You can also try using cruise control on the highway to maintain a consistent speed, which can save fuel.


Another way to improve your Kia Ceed's MPG is to regularly maintain the engine and keep up with recommended service schedules. This can ensure that your car is running efficiently and using less fuel. Also, try not to carry around unnecessary weight in your car, as this can also impact your MPG.


Avoid accelerating too quickly and braking too hard, as this can negatively impact your fuel efficiency. Instead, try to drive smoothly and anticipate traffic to avoid unnecessary acceleration and braking.