
How do I reset the electronic stability control on my Kia Ceed?

I noticed that the electronic stability control light is on in my Kia Ceed. How do I reset it and get it functioning properly again?

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Answers (3)


You can try resetting the electronic stability control by turning your vehicle off and then back on again. If the light persists, it may indicate a larger issue and I would suggest taking your car to a certified mechanic for further diagnosis and repairs.


Another option is to check the fuse for the electronic stability control and replace it if needed. If the issue persists, it's best to have a professional mechanic take a look to ensure it's properly functioning.


I've had a similar issue with my Kia Ceed and found that disconnecting the battery for a few minutes and then reconnecting it can sometimes reset the electronic stability control. If the light continues to come on, it's best to have it looked at by a professional.